cum reclam yahoo phishing

Am primit un mesaj de tip phishing pe Hotmail [automat a fost considerat SPAM] de la (
Idee e că totul arată ca fiind venit de la yahoo în afară de link-ul [] pe care trebuie să dai click.
Ori niște ruși au spart baza de date yahoo.

Account Suspended !

Dear Yahoo Member

Due to the number of incorrect login attempts, your Yahoo Account has been Suspend for

your security. This has been done to secure your accounts and to protect your private

information in case the login attempts where not done by you..


follow this link to Unsuspend Your Account:

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Curios fiind, am înaintat o sesizare către Yahoo, am căutat pe google: yahoo contact și după vreo câțiva pași am ajuns aici. Am completat cererea pentru mesaj phishing și gata. Să vedem cât de repede se mișcă.

Apoi am primit confirmarea pe email că cererea a fost trimisă :
Hello ,
This automated message is confirmation that Yahoo! Customer Care has 
received your inquiry. 
Please be aware that we are currently receiving unusually high volumes, 
so our reply is likely to exceed our normal 48-hour response time. But 
rest assured your inquiry is being routed to one of our Customer Care 
Support Agents. In the meantime you may want to visit our Help pages, 
where our customers often find answers to their questions. 
We appreciate your patience. 
The Yahoo! Customer Care Team 
**Please do not respond to this message as no one will receive it. 


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