online mistakes

My social Network on Flickr, Facebook, Twitter...
Image by luc legay via Flickr

Se întâmplă și la case mai mari :

Suntem pe la sfârșitul lui noiembrie. Dacă n-ar fi vorba despre cel de-al treilea cel mai mare hub al traficului pe internet, mai mare decat Facebook sau Twitter n-aș fi zis nimic.


  1. I noticed the mistake I made in the explanation/background information of the picture, was a human error. I corrected the background information of the picture

    Kind regards,

  2. I noticed you linked my photo to your blog. My Romanian language is not so good. You mentioned in your blog an online mistake so I checked my picture. I noticed that the background information is not correct/complete. This was a human error. I changed the background information on this picture. It is accurate now.

    Kind Regards,


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